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Showing posts from June, 2020

3 Tips to get back to work after Covid-19 lockdown

 As things are getting back in shape, many industries are planning to reopen with unlocking came into effect. It is time for all the business owners who are working in coworking space in Noida to stay cautious and follow all the rules of the government. Here are a few tips that will help you in getting back to work after lockdown, so that your productivity doesn't get hampered. 1. Plan out the working hours and timings in advance With reopening of many places, government has already taken the step of unlocking; it is high hope that coworking spaces will also soon get re-opened. This is the time when business owners must plan out everything in advance and do not let any COVID-19 positive enter their workplace. To follow the distance of at least 6 feet, you can set different shifts and alternate working hours for different employees. This will allow fewer crowds at the workplace and you can easily follow the safety measures. 2. Sanitize your Work area and team members This shoul...